Monday, March 30, 2009

Let's make our world happier!!!

{bringing the happiness to other's lives through simple things} is always my favorite! because I believe in this:
true Happiness lies within us! Just look around and catch it!
and I know... our world is becoming too harsh and disturbing that it's not really easy to believe in such things... everyday in this world; people are dying from things that are completely annoying! people are suffering from poverty and war, from pain and loneliness. these days the world is suffering!
but I've realized that we can make this world a better place with tiny things : we should find our own ways, to spread the love and happiness. to find us and the others cheerful and satisfied.
we should just find our ways... just to make a tiny little difference!

{I found this cute project here}
who's ready for more jobs like this?! Just let me know.

"Imagine you saw a colour in your dream, which you have never seen before. It doesn't consist of any colours or shades that you know. Trying to describe that colour would be as difficult as trying to belive that there is enough love & compassion in the world so every human can feel happiness"

"2% of people read the text on street posters like this one. 28% - try to read, and without having understood any sense of it, go further. The rest don't pay it attention. But what if the secret of happiness has been written here?"


neda mone said...

More than ready! I'm even ready to go out there and do stuff like that for real!

Again thanks for sharing :)

Shokoofeh said...

Yes. that's exactly what I meant!
