It was June 2009 that everything started to look different. We didn't know that we were going to change. Change forever. We didn't know that we won't be the same old people.
But it happened. In the beginning we were so loud. We had so much to say. And we told so much. We heard so much. It was painful and we didn't know that the pain would never heal. Deep, so very deep in our souls.
Time can damage you. Time can take everything from you. And time did it to us. We were eventually fading. Our voices started to shake. It wasn't "the strong voices" anymore. Time made us tired. We became silenced.
Now today... I am sitting here looking at photos from Egypt. Now I am sitting here thinking about Sara. Thinking about my country, my generation. Thinking about our values. About human values. Things that will never ever change. We all want the same things. Anywhere on this planet, we all want the same life.
These days ... I have so much to say, but the old painful wounds are reopened. And once again I am silenced.