Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

You can see more photos from my trip to Tashkent here.



neda mone said...


P.K said...

Fascinating photos. The abundance of fruits, vegetables and spices is amazing. This must have been a wonderful trip. Thank you for sharing this. Now I want to visit that distant land. Cheers

Wayside Violet said...

Beautiful photos! It looks like you had such an amazing trip!

julochka said...

so fantastic. your pictures of tashkent have transported me and i almost feel like i was there too! they're so lovely you can almost hear the sound of them as well.


kitchu said...

i feel as though i traveled with you. these are stunning shots.

Anne said...

wonderful series!!

Ballad of Seasons said...

oh my! these colors, these image are beyond the truth! I'd love to visit Tashkent now.