Those messages, comments and emails were so unbelievably wonderful that I can never ever forget even a word of them!
wow! You all made me exquisitely happy. I can never explain how much they all mean to me. I can never despair you again.
Oh my God, I don't really know how should I thank you guys. You are thoughtful, caring, lovely and make me really happy. "really" like ... the happiest!
I wish I could hug each of you!!!
I thought for hours today about how can I answer your loveliness... These are very little words just to make sure you all know that I am so happy that I've started this blog, that I've met each of you and that I am so proud to have such nice people around me...
Nor sooner had I closed my page than I received your comment. Let me tell you how much excited I was. And I don't think if you are "
a total stranger" to me at all!
I am trying to remember your words : "
until then, it's good as it is now"...
Dear, please let me know if you have a blog or something, because I couldn't find any link at your profile.
Thanks a lot for your words!
I smiled Jeanne Ming. I smiled deeply inside when I read your words: "
At the age of 53 I am still not sure what I want to do when I grow up."
I am learning from you Jeanne Ming, and adore you too my nice lady.
This is my biggest happiness Selma to
have something for giving... to be
someone's daily happiness!
I will keep going and keep remembering your words. They mean a lot to me...
So welcome here my new friend! :)
You wrote "
exactly what made me feel better"!
I am so happy to know you too, my very dear Rhianne!
Thank you so much pretty girl. I'm sure we both will find "
that middle ground".
Your messages always make me feel good!
Welcome to my blog! :)
Wow... you made me shed tears. happy tears! :)
We all so miss you!
Thank you Shaddy, thank you for your always wonderful supports!
You're amazing!
Wow!Thank you dear!
Big smiles! Thank you!
I hope we all feel better soon... :) Thank you so much!
Your words mean a lot. a lot. a lot. :)
Thanks sweet girl. I adore my readers too! You're so amazing to me!
I am so thankful for our friendship Ju. Kiss your sweet girls.
Wow... Emily!
Emily Anne}
Welcome! :)
I cannot
"let this pull me down" by the time that I have lovely caring friends like you dear Poet!
Amanda Nicole}
I am just so waiting for that
exciting change! Thanks for caring!
You're so nice! Thank you for not letting me feel alone.
Kiss your beautiful daughter!
My very dear P.!
You're always my sweet virtual older sister!
wow! Okay! :D Thank you dear!
I feel better! So much better! Thank you so much!
wooph... I feel much better now! oh, and thanks to all those who send me lovely emails! :)
I have a little gift for you! a very little one. Please click {
here} to download the original size of my sunflower photo. I think it's nice on a background! :)
Love you all!
The most delighted blogger,